Loyola College Culion

A List Of 10 General Features Of A Good Research Paper In Science

If you were to ask a dozen different people the question “What makes a good science research paper” you’re going to get a dozen different responses. While some of these responses can prove to be useful in helping you craft a great assignment, you’re probably not going to want to spend the time asking twelve different people the same question. We’ve done this for you… and have actually done more in surveying hundreds of science writers worldwide. We compiled those answers in this list of the 10 general features that appear in all good science research papers:

  1. Evidence of rigorous work.
  2. The first thing your reader will want to look for is evidence of rigorous academic study and application. Keep detailed notes and extensive bibliographies. You need to demonstrate you have committed great effort to conducting your study.

  3. Clearly controlled study.
  4. One of the most important features of your study and reporting is that you demonstrate control. Every step of the way – from your introduction to methodologies to results – should be planned.

  5. Accurate in its reporting.
  6. Inaccuracies in your reporting will make your work unverifiable, which will draw suspicion from anyone who looks at your work with a critical eye.

  7. Clear and direct language.
  8. All good composition uses clear and direct language. The reader should not have to reread a sentence because of poor construction or syntax; nor because you have made poor word choices.

  9. Concise and relevant content.
  10. Any worthwhile student in the field knows that superfluous information is confusing and detracts from a work as a whole. Be concise and include only content relevant to the study.

  11. Valid in its scientific approach.
  12. No matter what your topic your constructs and measurements should valid across different situations or clearly stated if they are to be applied to unique and specific conditions.

  13. Verifiable in each point made.
  14. All of the data you report should be verifiable through detailed graphs, charts, etc., so that another person in your field could replicate the results if he or she followed your steps exactly.

  15. Content is organized and logical.
  16. The reader should have no trouble following a logical sequence. This is why it helps to break up your document into recognizable parts (e.g., methodology, analysis, results, etc.).

  17. Coherent as a single body.
  18. Because science can have so many sub-topics and branches of study you should stick to a single theme without jumping form one topic to another. At no point should content appear that isn’t clearly relevant to the hypothesis.

  19. Original and unique study.
  20. The focus of your research paper may address other issues within in the discipline, but the content included should be entirely original in its approach and methodology.

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