Loyola College Culion

How Do I Write A Research Paper On The History Of Cell Phones?

Cell phones are some of those gadgets that we can have around us these days and use them to achieve so much. There are so many people who have these devices but always seem to take them for granted, and it would be awesome if you were in a good position to learn how to appreciate them and use them for what they should be used for. Indeed, cell phones are an important part of our lives these days. There are so many ways through which they come in handy to the point where it becomes almost impossible to imagine what life would have been without them back in the day.

In this respect, you might be given a task to write about the history of cell phones. This is a research paper that will have you dig in deeper in an attempt to find out as much information as possible about these devices. Once you are able to do that, it will be easier to write a fulfilling paper on your own.

The following is a guide that will help you have an easier experience working on the task at hand, and earn good marks in the process:

  1. Read a lot about cell phones
  2. Focus on the timelines
  3. Highlight the major personalities
  4. Discuss the relevant legislation
  • Read a lot about cell phones
  • Before you start writing about the history of cell phones, one of the first things that you will have to do is spend some time reading about them. Go through as much literature as possible and you will be able to come up with some good ideas to present for your work.

  • Focus on the timelines
  • You can easily pay attention to the timelines through the development of the cell phone and you will come up with incredible ideas to help you push your paper higher up the teacher’s preferences. Remember that history and timelines always go hand in hand.

  • Highlight the major personalities
  • As you are trying to come up with a good paper on the history of the cell phone, do not ignore some of the personalities that have been around and made these cell phones the revolutionary devise that they are today.

  • Discuss the relevant legislation
  • One of the important things that must also feature in your work is the relevant legislation that has controlled the cell phone market and kept the competition in check over the years.

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