Loyola College Culion

Basic Tips On The Research Paper Structure In The APA Format

When you write a research paper for the American Psychological Association you must stick with the prescribed format. Even when there are some minor differences, the major format for a paper is very much the same. You will have to download a few samples from the internet to get a clear idea about the exact format and to write effectively. All the universities under the APA accept the same basic structure and it does not matter what sample you are getting as long as it is certified for APA.

You will have to stick with the format given in the samples. Do a quick search over the internet and there will be thousands of websites offering free samples. Go to the most authenticate one and download a few papers that are similar to your topic.

Here are some guidelines that will help you in getting your format right:

  • Present the title of your paper on the first page. Below it give the name of the name of the faculty and also your own name. You will have to give the date on which you are going to submit it. The date can be written on the bottom corner of the page.
  • You will have to give a copyright to the paper. Give it on the second page along with the year on which you worked and submitted the project.
  • The third page should have the abstract. You would be writing the abstract in all capitals so that it draws attention.
  • Writing an acknowledgement is considered mandatory in some university. You should consult your professors on this issue. If you are going to write an acknowledgement, then insert it on the fourth page. If you are not going to have an acknowledgement then you can start off with the contents of your paper.
  • The acknowledgment should have names of all the people who have helped you finish the paper and a little detail on how they helped. Do not make it overly long but keep it short and crisp.

This is how the beginning of a format should look like. If the above points are followed you can be sure that the sample is authentic one and you can use if to get the format for your research paper. You can consult more than one website to cross check if you are ever in doubt.

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