Loyola College Culion

 Composing An Abstract For Your Research Paper: 8 Basic Hints

An abstract should be precise with clear concepts. As you begin writing it, do not forget to introduce your topic so that content included in it can be closely related.

Remember, it’s good to spend enough time on writing methods, discussions carried and the result part of the thesis but ensure spending additional moments in organizing your abstract too. After all it is highly crucial for your academic grades and often becomes the deciding factor in evaluation. Follow the standards and stick to the word limit. Explain a little bit of your research and talk about its significance pertaining to the topic.

Check out some basic tips that you should include while writing an eminent piece of abstract

  1. Introduction: Phrase your abstract’s topic in one sentence so that reader gets a clear idea getting the gist of the topic. Be careful when you are conducting thesis on any topic. It’s because your examiners are well aware with the research field. Follow the same principles while writing a scientific paper of research as the readers here are your peers and reviews your topic minutely. They too carry the researches on such topics and have a good familiarity of the subject.
  2. Watch word count: Too long abstract are simply ignored. Cut your word count and limit your abstract between 150-200 words. Represent your content in best possible way highlighting the most important points.
  3. Choose your keywords: The keywords should be matched in such a way that they complement the theme of the discussion. Keywords are also essential for developing an understanding in the readers if they require going through the paper or not.
  4. Summarize your abstract in question forma: If you can’t do that, this means you are still not clear about your thesis. Frame a single, clear and comprehensive question.
  5. State in short as in how you tackled your research question: Write for the perspectives adopted. State your idea behind the study conducted.
  6. State how you carried the research: Though this is the longest part and you need to cover your years of experiments or case studies in a few sentences, it becomes difficult sometimes.
  7. State the key impacts of the research: Summarize your implications and do not reveal the outcome of an experiment straight away.
  8. Follow the format: Write your title in the beginning. State the name of the presenter, his contact details, category of presentation (It includes workshops conducted, short papers, research papers, posters etc), conference themes addressed, objectives and activities for the participants.

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