Loyola College Culion

Topic Ideas For A Research Paper: Writing On Current Issues

Writing a research paper on current affairs is supposed to be easy, though a number of students normally find this to be rather difficult. This is interesting, considering the fact that in most cases, the current affairs topics normally require you to pay attention to the things that are going on around you and with that you should be good to go.

Herein we will discuss some of the easiest topics that you can write on, considering that they are things that have been in the news over the past few weeks, or months. You therefore also have the benefit of a good source of information, or evidence to support your paper.

International Crime – Is the ICC (International Criminal Court) worth all the hype? Following the collapse of the cases against the president of Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta on crimes against humanity during the post-election violence that rocked the country in 2007, do you believe the ICC has the mandate to bring to book the perpetrators of the violence?

At the same time, use this statement to further mirror the situation in Africa and other parts of the world. Presidents like Omar Al-Bashir have warrants of arrest, but are yet to be arrested, roaming freely in particular countries in the world. What of people like George Bush? Claims of atrocities committed in different invasions into countries in the Middle East. These should form suitable arguments for this topic.

Social networks – Over the past few years we have seen the emergence of a variety of social networks all over the world. We have social networks that are even specific to gay people and so forth. Are we allowing social networks and social media to take over our lives? Have we come to the point where humanity has lost its core and all we need is technology to help us find meaningful connections?

This should also focus on how social media has eroded self-esteem, with the prevalence of people struggling to get attention online through networks like Instagram, where the more likes you get on your photos, the happier you are, and the lower you get, the easier it is for you to slump into depression.

Other areas where you can discuss in current affairs include the capitalist nature of big corporations today, who stop at nothing to acquire or destroy smaller companies that stand in their way.

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