Loyola College Culion

An Outline For Writing A Research Paper About A Nursing Career

The importance of nursing is extremely underestimated comparing to other medical specializations and often stays out of society’s focus of attention. That’s why a research paper in this field still can reveal a lot if performed effectively while every successful academic paper starts with a profound outline.

What to Include in Your Research Paper Outline?

You can make several drafts of the outline, adjusting it gradually to the changes and insights of your survey process. But its structure remains relatively standard and must be maintained by following several essential guidelines.

  • Formulate your topic.
  • As nursing covers different aspects – from neonatal nursing to serving in military forces – you should concentrate on a specific topic, narrow enough to be studied.

  • State the purpose of your survey.
  • This task means not only determining your hypothesis but also pointing out the practical use of your work.

  • Pay effort to compose a strong abstract.
  • The abstract section is written among the last ones, as gives a brief glance through all milestones of your survey.

  • Think of your introduction.
  • It must hook your audience and make it willing to read further. The concise language is important here more than ever.

  • Choose the research methods.
  • Depending on your topic and the objectives of your project you should select the appropriate methods of processing and analyzing your data.

  • Think of the way of presenting your results.
  • Choose a form that gives your readers a clear illustration that supports your ideas and claims. Present only the relevant information that is significant for your aims in the result section.

  • Write down the ideas for a discussion section.
  • The discussion should evaluate the results and state if the hypothesis was proven, partially proven or rejected.

  • Prepare a strong conclusion.
  • The conclusion includes a summary and outlines the directions of further studies in this field.

  • Present the bibliography, the acknowledgments, and the appendices correctly.
  • Follow the instructions given by your educational institution regarding a writing format to compose these sections.

Ideas for Performing a Successful Research in Nursing

  • Use interactive sources of information.
  • In addition to basing on the reliable literature, fresh statistical data, and experts’ opinions, employ the direct communication with the representatives of the studied profession.

  • Present your data in videos.
  • Nursing is one of the fields where a demonstration of the video materials sometimes gives more information than figures and tables.

  • Benefit from the opportunity to experience it first-hand.
  • If the topic of your study corresponds with it and if you have an opportunity, try to obtain some kind of first-hand experience in nursing.

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