By: Vanessa Ferl Quilinguen
Every school needs a student body organization that will help the administrators in implementing the school’s rules and regulations. The student council officers were chosen by the students through election .Aside from implementing the rules, the selected student officers should also reach out to their fellow students and act as role models and leaders for themselves and for the students in the school.
After restful days from the two-month summer vacation, Loyolans had had a renewed energy and excitement for the school year 2011 – 2012. Students eagerly entered the campus and attended the Monday assembly at the first day of the school year. Meeting old friends and mentors, seeing new faces, discovering new friends, new members of the administration – these were the things that excited the students much. It’s a First Day Hi for them. Everything is fresh and new. We hope for the best this school year. Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!
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