Loyola College Culion

8 Steps To Creating A Strong Research Paper About Nutrition

Learning how to eat properly is leaning more and more towards needing an advanced degree in nutrition to understand all of the conflicting information that we are bombarded with. Research is constantly being done so that we are able to keep up on which foods are the newest to be shown to lower disease risks, and which are the newest to be put on the "do not eat" list.

This means that there is constantly new, and often contradictory, pieces of advice coming out of research labs. So what will make your paper stand out from all the others being done? Since there is much more to consider than just discussing how well the latest fad diet works, here are 8 steps that will help you to create a strong research paper in the field of nutrition:

  1. Consider the audience: Are you going to be directing your research at a certain sex or age group, or will it be appropriate for everyone? You want to engage the audience you are looking to reach.
  2. Write a bold thesis statement: This will guide the outline of your paper and should easily allow the reader to know exactly what you are going to be exploring and the limits of where your work will not go.
  3. Seek out the experts: Read all of the current work that has been, or is being done. You may have a new way to expand on something considered to be on-the-cutting-edge.
  4. Be clear and concise: Make sure that your writing can be understood by others. All your hard work doesn't matter if the only people able to make anything out of it are your professor and you.
  5. Be daring: Someone has to develop the next big nutrition bombshell, so why shouldn't it be you? Take a chance on a topic you feel may be a little "out there" and see where it leads you.
  6. Search out all sources: Don't make the mistake of utilizing only one type of source. This could result in you missing a vital piece of information that would have added plenty of value to your work. Pull from every source that you can and eliminate what is not needed later.
  7. Make connections: Ensure that you have strong connections between all of your major points and the evidence to support them.
  8. Stay current: Since there is so much work being done in nutrition, and things change so quickly, you will need to have almost "real-time" sources to draw from.

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